One Way Ticket To Mars

This Story starts with a little child. His name was James. His dream was to go to Mars but he belonged to a poor family so it was not possible at that time. After some time he joined a school. There he was studying hard to get good marks in exams.After completing his studies he got a normal job in PWD. He was living his life without any problem. One day he watched an advertisement for Space. In That advertisement it was shown that the government planned a mission to Mars but there was a problem. If someone goes to Mars then he could go only but he would not be able to return because the space Rocket has not that much capacity. So the government finding a courageous person who can go to Mars and make that Mission successful. James decided to go to Mars because it's his dream to go on Mars and he will complete it at any cost so he wrote a letter to the government that he is ready to go to Mars. The government prepared for his journey. His family and every person was very proud of James because he was sacrificing his life for the nation. Now James is Ready to go. People with tears In their eyes were here to say goodbye to James. Now the rocket launches. After a few days James Reached on Mars. He has only 7 day's food to survive and oxygen as well. Now he started finding something. He sees an alien there. That alien chases James. James starts running and he falls down on Mars 

To Be Continued… .. . . 

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